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Google Transit interview on Fox7 Austin

seeing as i’ve been such a huge dork about the awesomeness of Google Transit and its newly minted Austin edition, CapMetro sent some Fox7 reporters after me. they interviewed me about what Google Transit is, why i like it and think it is a step up over CapMetro’s Trip Planner, and how i think it will help people (he especially noted the influx of visitors this coming week for SXSW).

so there it is – yet another deciding factor that i am, indeed, a dork. i went on the news to profess love of an online service. if you want visual proof, watch the Fox7 Austin newscast today at 5p. i’ll hopefully grab some online footage and post it here later today or tomorrow.

UPDATE: got the video!

  1. Kevin
    March 8, 2007 at 2:54 pm


    I’m starting to weed my way through the MARTA beauracracy to get Google Transit updated with MARTA info. Any tips on how to get to the “right” person?


  2. March 8, 2007 at 3:03 pm

    MARTA! ATL was my last home, and i do miss it. i would just browse the MARTA website and either try to find the techie contacts directly from the website, or call up their info number and explain that you want to talk to either the web person or a PR person. i had to speak to a bunch of people before i got to the ones who knew anything, but i managed to get through fairly quickly. also, email Google Transit directly. good luck!

  3. Kevin
    March 9, 2007 at 10:24 am

    I have a feeling it will take a bit of digging, but I truly hope it can happen here. Did you go to Tech? How long did you live here? I’ve lived here most of my life with the exception of birth and a recent 5 year stint in San Francisco. (Which I am surprised to see that BART is not a part of Google Transit.)

    Tom from Google Transit has been in touch with me, so hopefully one way or another it will happen.


  4. March 9, 2007 at 10:32 am

    i don’t know how they picked the initial transportation systems to be included, but i assume that the newer ones were added b/c they’re relatively simple transportation systems and the cities themselves likely initiated their inclusion. so good luck on getting ATL included! i went to emory and worked for a bit in ATL after college. i go back on occasion, and am always blown away by the amount that city transforms in short periods of time.

  5. Kevin
    March 14, 2007 at 12:15 pm

    got an initial response from Marta…basically telling me that Marta has no interest in Google Transit because they are about to launch their own online schedule website…

    did you run into a response like that at all?

  6. March 14, 2007 at 1:20 pm

    nope, but perhaps marta will have a good service. i guess wait and see…

  1. March 16, 2007 at 9:54 am

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