
Archive for February 28, 2006

if microsoft designed the ipod packaging

February 28, 2006 Leave a comment
Categories: haha, media, tech

ipod hifi

February 28, 2006 Leave a comment

yeah, yeah. just like everyone else, i’m disappointed in these ‘fun’ offerings from apple. however, i will say that the hifi is quite pretty. all those yahoos who are bitching over the design are idiots w/ zero design sense. just like all other apple products, it is clean and minimal. it’s freakin huge b/c:

  1. it hides the power transformer inside, so you don’t have to hide some monstrous brick of a power adapter
  2. it contains 3 speakers. while those could surely be smaller based on offerings from say, bose or klipsch, apple is certainly touting it as hi-fi. a double plastic case enclosure and something or other resin on the inside must do something for vibration and clarity.

otherwise, a more expensive mac mini and leather ipod cases? come on…

ipod hifi

Categories: tech

espresso, my sweet sweet friend

February 28, 2006 Leave a comment

despite your bitter first impression, you surprise me and infuse me. you make me alive, excited, bursting with energy, ready to conquer the world! and the more i drink of your intoxicating essence, the sweeter you become, until you are nothing but a layer of sugar coating the bottom of my cup of java, my cup of life.

espresso, you're my bitch

Categories: misc.

UPDATE: origami by microsoft

February 28, 2006 Leave a comment

according to microsoft, the origami video is over a year old and was part of their concept development phase. are they trying to take the hype down a notch, or is that really not origami? it really does jive well with website…
DLmag: origami project
origami website

Categories: tech